12/05 Dr. Koppal will be an area chair for CVPR 2025.
12/03 Dr. Koppal joins the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging as an Associate Editor.
11/05 New paper on FoveaSPAD accepted to TCI! Congrats to our Portland State collaborator Dr. Ingle!
10/23 Justin Folden successfully defends his thesis. Congrats Dr. Folden!
09/15 New paper on physics-informed ML in X-rays. Congrats to our UF collaborators in Dr. Asadizanjani’s lab.
08/20 Four new graduate students join FOCUS lab: Welcome: Mike, Dexter, Jacob and Merhan!
08/18 New paper accepted to IROS! FoveaCam++: Systems-Level Advances for Long Range Multi-Object High-Resolution Tracking.
08/15 Dr. Koppal was awarded a Teaching award by the UF ECE department.
07/01 Dr. Koppal gives talks at STR and Draper Lab in the Boston Area.
06/05 New publication with our collaborators in Dr. Zare’s lab on hyperspectral images of roots!
03/24 New papers in SPIE and in ECTC. Congrats to our collaborators in FICS and the Navy’s
01/29 New publication in IEEE Transactions on Robotics! Congrats to Dr. Wang and our
collaborators at UB.
01/03 FOCUS lab won a DURIP award for Electro‐Optical Sensor Prototype with Phase/Amplitude
Analysis. Happy New Year!


11/28 FOCUS lab moves to the new Malachowsky Hall!
11/06 Brevin Tilmon successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations Dr. Tilmon!
10/04 FOCUS lab was part of a new NSF award for optical homing for underwater robot navigation and localization. Congrats to our collaborators as well, Dr. Islam in ECE and Dr. Shin in Mechanical.
08/16 Dr. Koppal will be an area chair for CVPR 2024.
08/14 “HyperPRI: A Dataset of Hyperspectral Images for Underground Plant Root Study” has been accepted to the 8th workshop on Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture (CVPPA @ ICCV 2023). Congrats to all our collaborators on the USDA SitS program, particularly those in Dr. Zare’s lab!
07/19 Dr. Koppal has been selected as a Kent and Linda Fuchs Faculty Fellow.
05/19 FOCUS lab was awarded an ONR grant to work on foveated imaging on robotic platforms.
05/18 See more about our CVPR 2023 paper “Energy-Efficient Adaptive 3D Sensing” at Snap Research.
04/30 FOCUS lab was awarded an ONR grant to work on optical computing.
04/06 Hannah Kirkland’s extended abstract “Schrödinger’s Camera: First Steps Towards a Quantum-Based Privacy Preserving Camera” has been accepted to Women in Computer Vision (WiCV @ CVPR 2023). Congrats Hannah!
04/03 Hannah Kirkland’s paper “Schrödinger’s Camera: First Steps Towards a Quantum-Based Privacy Preserving Camera” has been accepted to The Fourth Workshop on Fair, Data-Efficient, and Trusted Computer Vision (TCV). Congrats Hannah!
03/15 Our paper “Schrödinger’s Camera: First Steps Towards a Quantum-Based Privacy Preserving Camera” has been submitted to arXiv.
03/01 Congratulations to Brevin Tilmon for his accepted CVPR paper titled “Energy-Efficient Adaptive 3D Sensing” and congratulations to our collaborators at Snap Research!
02/16 FOCUS lab worked with Dr. Eakta Jain in CISE on personal space bubbles which is a poster in IEEE VR 2023. Congrats to our collaborators!
01/18 Hannah Kirkland has been selected to attend the Grad-Cohort for Women Workshop. Congrats Hannah!
01/17 Dr. Xiameng’s Liu’s paper “Event-based Dual Photography for Transparent Scene Reconstruction” is accepted to Optics Letters. Congratulations to Dr. Liu and our collaborators at ASU!
01/05 Yuxuan Zhang joins FOCUS lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome Yuxuan!


11/07 Dr. Koppal becomes an Amazon Scholar with Amazon Robotics.
08/10 FOCUS lab releases the Plausible Planetary Material Geometry and Reflectance Imaging Dataset (PPMGR) in collaboration with NASA’s Ames Research Center.
07/20 Congrats to Dr. Xiaomeng Liu on her graduation!
07/01 Dr. Koppal was elected a senior member of Optica (formerly Optical Society of America).
03/01 Our paper “Optical MEMS enable next generation solutions for robot vision and human-robot interaction” was published in SPIE OPTO.
03/01 Our ICCV 2021 paper “SaccadeCam: Adaptive Visual Attention for Monocular Depth Sensing” was featured in the latest NELMS Institute Newsletter.


12/15 FOCUS Lab welcomes Dr. Sazzad as a post-doc working on hyperspectral imaging for agricultural applications.
12/02 Congrats to Hannah for winning an L3-Harris Fellowship!
10/07 FOCUS Lab has just joined an NSF ERC initiative for agrotech. We look forward to building adaptive spectral zoom cameras for IoT4Ag.
09/13 FOCUS lab’s privacy work highlighted in UF Explore.
08/06 Dr. Koppal won a University of Florida Term Professorship Award for 2021-2024.
07/23 Our paper “SaccadeCam: Adaptive Visual Attention for Monocular Depth Sensing” has been accepted to ICCV 2021. Congrats Brevin!
07/16 Jackson Arnold joins FOCUS lab as a new doctoral student. Welcome Jackson!
04/26 “Dense Lissajous Sampling and Interpolation for Dynamic Light-Transport” has been accepted to Optics Express! Congrats to Xiaomeng, Kristofer and our ASU collaborators Joshua Rego and Suren Jayasuriya.
04/07 Xiaomeng will present “Improved Flying-spot Projector Design for Dense Dynamic Light-Transport Capture” at OSA 2021!
04/01 “Fast Foveating Cameras for Dense Adaptive Resolution” has been accepted to PAMI!
03/29 Our paper “SaccadeCam: Adaptive Visual Attention for Monocular Depth Sensing” has been submitted to arXiv.
03/22 FOCUS Lab helps to grow coffee in Florida? Catch the news here and here.
03/18 Congrats to Dr. Dingkang Wang on defending his thesis!
02/21 Congrats to Nicolas and Gavin for winning UF Research Scholarships!


11/24 “Design and Fabrication of a Forward View Scanner on SIOB with Latch Structure for Improved Vertical Orientation” accepted to IEEE MEMS 2021. Congrats Dingkang!
11/13 FOCUS lab was part of a winning proposal for “Hyperspectral Signals in the Soil” for the USDA NIFA. Congrats to our collaborators in UF ECE and UF IFAS!
10/02 Our paper “Towards a MEMS-based Adaptive LIDAR” was accepted to 3DV 2020. Congrats to Francesco, Brevin, Zaid, Justin and our WUSTL collaborator Ayan Chakrabarti.
07/02 Dr. Koppal won the NSF CAREER award for “Fast Foveation: Bringing Active Vision into the Camera”.
06/29 Our paper on our latest micro-LIDAR has been accepted to JMEMS. Congrats to Dingkang!
05/14 Lenworth Thomas joined our lab. He is a McNair scholar. Congrats TJ and welcome!
03/31 Brevin Tilmon gets honorable mention for NSF GRFP. Congrats Brevin!
03/30 Kristofer defended his thesis “Sensor Fusion for Non-Line-of-Sight Visualization and Imaging”. Congratulations Dr. Henderson!
03/27 Our paper on Adaptive Fovea for Depth Sensors was accepted to IJRR!
03/24 Our paper “A MEMS-Based Foveating Lidar to Enable Real-Time Adaptive Depth Sensing” has been submitted to arxiv.
02/21 Our paper “FoveaCam: A MEMS Mirror-Enabled Foveating Camera” has been accepted to ICCP 2020!
02/20 Dr. Koppal has been awarded an ONR Summer Fellowship!
02/03 Our CVPR 2019 paper featured in Computer Vision News!
01/23 New paper accepted to TVCG track at IEEE VR 2020. Congrats to our collaborators in Dr. Jain’s lab!
01/14 Our journal paper on tracking radiological materials through obstacles with LIDAR has been accepted to TNS!
01/06 Paper on flying-dot photography accepted to TCI 2020!


12/20 FOCUS Lab receives another MIST award for HDR LIDAR!
10/21 Dr. Koppal elevated to Senior IEEE Member.
10/17 Dr. Koppal gave an invited talk at FAU I-SENSE, “Optics and Sensing for Small Vision Platforms”.
08/07 New NSF grant on Fast Foveating Projectors awarded! We look forward to working with our ASU collaborators on dynamic light transport ideas.
07/19 Dr. Koppal will be an area chair for CVPR 2020.
06/18 Our paper “Revealing Scenes by Inverting Structure from Motion Reconstructions” was a CVPR 2019 best paper finalist!
06/13 Our paper “Revealing Scenes by Inverting Structure from Motion Reconstructions” has been featured on Microsoft’s computer vision research blog.
06/13 New LiDAR papers in Transducers and OMN accepted!
04/02 Francesco Pittaluga received an Attributes of a Gator Engineer Award! Congrats Dr. Pittaluga!
03/07 Our paper “EyeVEIL: Degrading Iris Authentication in Eye-Tracking Headsets” has been accepted to ETRA 2019. Congrats to our collaborators in UF Computer Science, Eakta Jain and Brendon John.
03/02 Our paper “Revealing Scenes by Inverting Structure from Motion Reconstructions” has been accepted to CVPR 2019 as an oral. Congrats to Francesco and to our collaborators at Microsoft, Sing Bing Kang and Sudipta Sinha.
02/22 The web-page for the Computational Cameras and Displays (CCD) Workshop at CVPR 2019 is now live!.
01/04 Proposal for Computational Cameras and Displays (CCD) Workshop at CVPR 2019 accepted. Dr. Koppal will co-organize the workshop.


12/20 FOCUS Lab was awarded a MIST grant for coded aperture LIDAR!
11/05 Paper on privacy-preserving encodings accepted to WACV 2019! Congratulations to Francesco and our collaborator at WUSTL, Ayan Chakrabarti.
08/22 Dr. Koppal will serve as an area chair for CVPR 2019.
07/05 FOCUS Lab won an ONR grant to perform directional control of depth sensors!
06/19 Congrats to Francesco Pittaluga on being awarded a 2018 Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant!
06/16 See you in Salt Lake City for CVPR 2018. Dr. Koppal is co-organizing the CCD 2018 workshop.
05/20 Best student paper at NEMS 2018! Congrats to our BML collaborators Dingkang Wang and Huikai Xie.
05/04 See you in Pittsburgh for ICCP 2018. Dr. Koppal is co-chair of posters and demos.
04/12 Our paper “Directionally Controlled Time-of-Flight Ranging for Mobile Sensing Platforms’” has been accepted to Robotics Science and Systems (RSS) 2018! Congrats to Zaid!
04/03 “Data Fusion for a Vision-Aided Radiological Detection System: Calibration Algorithm Performance” as been accepted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics A. Congratulations to Kristofer and our collaborators at UF Nuclear Engineering!
03/23 Our paper “Designing Light Filters to Detect Skin Using a Low-powered Sensor” was accepted to Southeast Con 2018. Congratulations to our UCF collaborators in Pam Wisniewsk’s lab.
02/15 Dr. Koppal gave an invited talk at Arizona State University’s SENSIP.
02/14 Dr. Koppal gave an invited talk at Phenome 2018 in Tucson, AZ
01/11 FOCUS lab received a MIST award for micro-LIDAR. Congratulations to the micro-LIDAR team!


12/06 Prof. Koppal will co-organize the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays, which will be held in conjunction with CVPR 2018.
10/16 One IJCV paper accepted.
10/06 Prof. Koppal gives an invited talk at OSA Incubator on Small Eyes and Smart Minds.
10/04 Prof. Koppal gives an invited talk at Army Research Lab (ARL).
09/25 Prof. Koppal gives an invited talk at UC Berkeley on privacy preserving sensors.
09/02 Our paper “Tracking Radioactive Sources through Sensor Fusion of Omnidirectional LIDAR and Isotropic Rad-detectors” has been accepted to 3DV 2017 (poster).
07/01 One paper accepted at NSS-MIC 2017
07/10 Dr. Koppal gives invited talks in France; at IRISA-Rennes, Technicolor R&D Labs and INRIA-Bordeaux/LPN2.
06/01 One paper accepted at OMN 2017.
05/31 Dr. Koppal gives two invited talks at the UCF CREOL optics center and the UCF CRCV computer vision group.
04/18 “Creating Segments and Effects on Comics by Clustering Gaze Data” has been accepted for publication in the Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications. Congrats Ishwarya!


12/08 Pre–Capture Privacy for Small Vision Sensors has been accepted to PAMI. Congrats Francesco!
11/09 Congratulations Dr. Xiaoyang Zhang for graduating and good luck at MagicLeap!
10/14 ECCV 2016 awards: (1) “Focal Flow: Measuring Distance and Velocity with Defocus and Differential Motion” won a best student paper award. Congrats to the Harvard students on this paper, Emma and Qi! (2) Sanjeev Koppal received an Outstanding Reviewer Award.
08/01 One accepted ECCV paper (oral)
07/25 Ishwarya’s paper “Leveraging Gaze Data for Segmentation and Effects on Comics” was accepted as a poster in SAP 2016. The poster also made it to a shortlist to be presented at the SIGGRAPH poster session. Congrats Ishwarya!
07/05 Francesco and Kristofer attended the 9th Annual DNDO ARI Conference in Atlanta with posters, talks and demos. They were part of a large UF contingent.
06/29 PI Koppal’s monograph “A Survey of Computational Photography in the Small” about the advent of miniature computational sensors has been accepted to the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
05/27 Our paper “A Wide-angle Immersed MEMS Mirror and Its Application in Optical Coherence Tomography” was accepted to OMN 2016. Congrats to our collaborator, Dr. Huikai Xie, at UF ECE and all the student authors.
03/09 Our paper “Sensor-level Privacy for Thermal Cameras” has been accepted to ICCP 2016.
02/09 Our paper “Wide-angle Structured Light with a Scanning MEMS Mirror in Liquid” has been accepted to Optics Express.


12/15 Our micro-LIDAR research was covered by Popular MechanicsNBC news and IEEE Spectrum.
11/06 Congrats to Ishwarya for winning the Outstanding International Student Award from the UF College of Engineering!
10/07 Our paper “Low Power Depth and Velocity from a Passive Moving Sensor” was accepted to the Extreme Imaging Workshop @ ICCV 2015. Congrats to our amazing collaborators at Harvard, Emma Alexander and Todd Zickler.
09/23 Congratulations to Junior Metayer for receiving a 2015 FGLSAMP scholarship award!
08/12 Our paper “Low-Cost Depth and Radiological Sensor Fusion to Detect Moving Sources” has been accepted to 3DV 2015 (poster).
07/06 Visiting UT Dallas this week as part of 8th DNDO Annual Academic Research Initiative. Four student posters will be presented from FOCUS lab and PI Koppal will co-present the project achievements with our collaborator Dr. Andreas Enqvist and his group at UF MSE. See you in Texas!
06/15 We just received an NSF award for our proposal to create micro-LIDARS. Congratulations to the FOCUS lab and our collaborators (Dr. Huikai Xie from UF, Dr. Karthik Dantu from SUNY Buffalo and Dr. Rob Wood from Harvard)!
04/15 Congratulations to Tatiana Luna on receiving a McNair award!
04/01 Our CVPR 2015 paper “Privacy Preserving Optics for Miniature Vision Sensors” has been accepted.